
JAKARTA - Nephrology Consultant Pediatrician, Henny Adriani Puspitasari, said that the administration of puyer drugs plus honey for children over the age of one year could be a solution so that children want to take drugs. "In fact, we can actually ask for a sweetener in the form of a tablet as well, so that it can reduce the bitter taste on the children's tongue. If the child is over one year old, he might be able to add honey," said Henny in the RSCM 103 Anniversary dialogue entitled 'What acute progressive kidney problems do parents need to do?' monitored in Jakarta, Antara, Friday, November 4. The sweet taste of honey can overcome the bitter trauma that sticks to children's tongue when taking puyer medication. The Ministry of Health has appealed to stop giving liquid or sirop-shaped drugs in line with reports of child patients experiencing a progressive atypical acute kidney disorder. Puyer drugs are now a solution so that children continue to take drugs when sick because some sirop drugs are contaminated with ethylene glycol and dietilen glycol. "Securly safe medicine, we are following the government's advice, in this case the Ministry of Health, to provide medicine in the form of not first principles, but in the form of puyers," said Henny. In addition to taking puyer medicine, parents can deal with child fever in a conventional way by giving enough drink or compressing with warm water to reduce body heat. "Parents can do other things that can reduce fever in their children, such as adding liquid or compress. Fever doesn't have to be done directly with drugs and fever is actually not an enemy," he said. Based on previous reports, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) together with the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police revealed a number of findings of drugAMps and glycol propylene raw materials contaminated with glycol etilen and glycol dietilen exceeding the thresholds in the two pharmaceutical industries, namely PT Yarindo Farmatama and PT Universal Pharmaceutical Industries.

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