JAKARTA - Komnas HAM recommends to the All-Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) to temporarily freeze all football matches until substantive standardization is carried out on all supervisors and match devices in accordance with the rules of PSSI, FIFA, and AFC.
"Komnas HAM recommends PSSI freeze all football competition activities until substantive standardization is carried out on all supervisors and other match devices, in accordance with the regulations issued by FIFA, Asian Football Confederation (AFC), and PSSI," said Komnas HAM member Choirul Anam at a press conference at the Komnas HAM Office, Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, November 2.
This step, continued Anam, needs to be done in order to ensure the safe implementation of Indonesian football matches. This recommendation was conveyed by Komnas HAM in order to improve Indonesian football and prevent tragedy at the Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang, East Java, on October 1, 2022, from happening again.
In addition, Anam also submitted four other recommendations from Komnas HAM for PSSI.
First, PSSI is recommended to conduct a thorough evaluation of the statutes, safety and safety rules, code discipline, and various cooperation agreements with parties related to football matches.
The evaluation is expected to be carried out by prioritizing the safety and security of football personnel, including involving security forces.
Second, Komnas HAM recommends PSSI to cooperate with football clubs in the country in presenting serious coaching to football supporters.
"This guidance is in accordance with human rights standards that uphold the values of equality, sportsmanship, tolerance, prevention of hate speech, and respect for human dignity," said Anam.
Third, he added, PSSI needs to be institutionally responsible by respecting and complying with the legal process of the current tragedy of Kanjuruhan and restoring victims, families of victims, or other parties affected by the tragedy.
Finally, Komnas HAM recommends PSSI to compile accountable high-risk match indicators and place aspects of security, safety, and infrastructure availability as the main basis in organizing safe football matches.
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