The captain of the Cantika Express 77 ship with the initials ED, who has been named by the police as a suspect in the ship fire case, resulted in dozens of fatalities being charged with multiple articles and threatened with imprisonment for 10 years.
"The suspect is threatened with 10 years in prison," said the Director of General Criminal Investigation at the NTT Police, Kombes Patar Silalahi, in Kupang, Antara, Wednesday, November 2.
He conveyed this related to the development of the Cantika Express 77 fast boat fire case which resulted in the death of 20 passengers and 17 passengers who were declared missing.
Patar explained that the suspect ED was charged with a number of articles, namely Article 302 in conjunction with Article 117 and Article 312 in conjunction with Article 145 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2008 concerning Shipping, and or Article 359 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the 1st in conjunction with Article 56 of the Criminal Code.
Suspect ED is currently being held in the Tahti room of the NTT Police for the next 20 days to undergo examination. "We hope that the case files will be completed soon so that they can be immediately transferred to the prosecutor's office and enter the next stage," he said.
The police have also examined a number of witnesses in the case of the fast boat fire, including ship owners, harbormasters and crew members, as well as several ship passengers who were also victims of the accident.
"There are approximately 20 witnesses who have been examined, including the captain of the ship who has been named a suspect," added Patar.
Proses penetapan tersangka kasus kecelakaan kapal cepat itu terbilang cukup cepat karena dalam waktu satu minggu sejak terjadinya pada Senin (24/11).
Meanwhile, the joint Search and Rescue (SAR) team officially stopped the search for 17 missing passengers in the Cantika Express 77 Fast Ship fire incident in Naikliu Waters, Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province.
"After 10 days of searching operations for the 17 passengers who were reported missing, the results remained nil so that according to the results of the coordination meeting, the SAR operation was officially closed," said Head of the Kupang Class A Search and Rescue Office I Putu Sudayana at the closing of the Cantika Express 77 Fast Ship SAR Operation in Kupang, Wednesday.
While crying, Putu Sudayana apologized to the families of the victims who were present at the activity for not being able to find the 17 passengers.
He said the Kupang Basarnas together with the potential for SAR from elements of the TNI/Polri as well as BPBD and KSOP Kupang and Bakamla as well as fishermen had been very optimal in conducting searches for 10 days by deploying all teams and facilities owned by Basarnas to look for victims, but until Wednesday (2/11), the results were still nil, there were no signs of the victim being found.
"We apologize to the families of the victims for not being able to find the 17 passengers who are still missing," said I Putu Sudayana in tears.
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