
SERANG Head of the Indonesian Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Penny Kusumastuti Lukito said there is still one pharmaceutical industry suspected of using the raw materials of Eten Glikol (EG) and Dietilen Glikol (DEG) exceeding the threshold for use.

"PT Afifarma is a new producer who is suspected of having a criminal element. But testing its content from EG and DEG raw products and materials is mined," said Penny in Serang, Banten, Monday, October 31.

Penny previously mentioned that PT Yarindo Farmatama, in Cikande, Serang and PT Universal Pharmaceutical Industri in Medan, North Sumatra used the raw materials for Propilen Glikol to exceed the safe threshold for sirop drug products being marketed.

"Two manufacturers that produce sirop drugs made from the Glikol Propilent are polluted by Ethilen Glikol (EG) and Dietilen Glikol (DEG) which are suspected to be related to cases of acute kidney disorders, because they exceed the threshold," said Penny.

Penny suspects that the three producers have committed a crime, namely producing or distributing pharmaceutical preparations that do not meet the efficacy, safety and quality safety standards as stated in Law Number 36/2009 concerning health, articles 196, articles 98 paragraphs 2 and 3 with a maximum imprisonment of 10 years and a fine of Rp. 1 billion.

With these findings, his party has given administrative sanctions, in the form of termination of production.

"If it is proven that there is a connection with consumer deaths, there will be threats of other articles," said Penny.

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