
Surakarta Party DPD carries Gibran Rakabuming Raka in the 2024 Central Java Regional Head Election (Pilkada). Gibran's name emerged from the external party bearing the banyan tree. "For the regional head of the province in 2024 internally, the personnel proposed by Panggah Susanto, are the chairman of the Central Java Golkar Party DPD. However, the name Gibran Rakabuming Raka has externally appeared," said the Daily Chair of the Surakarta Golkar Party DPD, Bandung Joko Suryono in Solo, Antara, Monday, October 31. Gibran is promoted as a candidate for governor of Central Java Province due to several considerations, one of which is because the Mayor of Surakarta has an extraordinary ability to lead an area. "What was previously some people (ignoring), is able to lead Solo. From our observations, he has an extraordinary ability to carry out his mandate as Mayor of Surakarta. This potential is increasingly beneficial for the benefit of the people if we project him to become Governor of Central Java," he said. In addition, Gibran was able to prove this performance even though he was only halfway through leading the city of Solo. According to him, this is an achievement in itself. "When the whole nation, including Surakarta, experienced a difficult situation, namely during the COVID-19 pandemic, it turned out that under the leadership of Mas Gibran, Surakarta was able to overcome it," he said. He said Gibran was not only able to restore health stability but also economic stability. "In difficult times and during the pandemic, there is a'recovery'. Being able to accelerate, policies are carried out, including providing assistance to as many as 6,500 MSMEs, organizing local, regional, national, even international events. This has a significant impact on economic recovery and acceleration in Surakarta," he said. He assessed that Gibran had succeeded in creating stability in security and public order so that the people of Surakarta were in a comfortable and conducive climate. "In addition, currently in the process, Mas Gibran lays a strong foundation for the progress of Surakarta. There are ten development sectors currently being worked on, including the Sheikh Al Zayed Grand Mosque, Islamic Center, 'elevated' rail, revitalization of Solo Technopark Park, Balekambang Park, and IKM Mebel Gilingan," he said. Another visionary step, according to him, is to encourage Surakarta to "smart city" or smart city. Seeing some of these considerations, he hopes that Gibran's name in the 2024 Pilkada by the Surakarta Golkar Party DPD can be considered for the Golkar Party DPP. "Because tonight the Pu8kul 18.30 WIB will have a meeting at the DPP with a finalization agenda related to legislative and regional elections, so I must convey this to the media in the hope of accelerating access to information immediately to the provincial DPD and DPP," he said.

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