
Polsek Taman Sari menangkap pasangan remaja yang bukan suami istri karena diduga melakukan aksi aborsi.

Both are RHF (28) male and RNA (20) female.

From the results of the examination, it is known that the perpetrator RNA (20) twice drank the abortion drug on Friday, October 21.

RNA lives in a millennial boarding house in the Tamansari area, West Jakarta.

"The perpetrator RNA (20) had his own abortion in the boarding room on Friday, October 21, at around 17.30 WIB. RNA took the medicine for the baby's shrink he bought," said Tamansari Metro Police Chief AKBP Rohman Yonky Dilatha when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, October 30.

After taking the drug, the RNA perpetrator did not get a reaction. Then, the perpetrator again took the abortion drug until the reaction started.

"In the toilet, the baby came out. The perpetrator RNA then contacted his new girlfriend RHF (28) who is the son of the head of the RT to help him dispose of a baby in the Ciracas area, East Jakarta," he said.

After the arrest, the police confiscated two T-shirts used to wrap the baby's corpse, and 1 negligee used by the perpetrator during the abortion.

This case emerged after CCTV footage shows two men having the heart to bury the baby behind the prayer room Mittahul Jannah, Ciracas area, East Jakarta. The CCTV footage went viral on social media @warungjurnalis.

Based on the CCTV footage, the perpetrator or allegedly the victim's father (the baby) and his partner were caught on camera cctv carrying the runway and the body of the baby allegedly wrapped in plastic bags.

Both of them were caught on surveillance cameras walking allegedly trying to bury the baby from an abortion behind the prayer room.

Subsequently, residents reported the incident to the Ciracas Police, East Jakarta.

Ciracas Police Chief Kompol Jupriono confirmed the burial of the baby's body from the abortion at RT 004/RW009, Jalan H. Baping, Ciracas.

"The results of the abortion. So we get information from residents who suspect the location of the funeral. Meanwhile, the location is not for the burial place. Residents are suspicious, then provide information and we will follow up," said Jupriono.

As a result of their actions, the suspects RHF and RNA were charged with Article 76C in conjunction with 80 RI Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection in conjunction with Article 194 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health in conjunction with Article 346 of the Criminal Code.

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