JAKARTA - The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) appointed the Chairman of the Indonesian Realestate (REI) Totok Lusida as chairman of the expert council after joining this political party.
"The joining of Totok is a new energy that will make PSI able to run faster," said PSI DPP General Chair Giring Ganesha in Jakarta, Antara, Friday, October 28.
Giring stated that in the future Totok will fight together at PSI, formulating economic problems, and the needs of the younger generation, especially in the housing sector.
“We will fight together at PSI. It is getting happier because bro Totok already knows what to do. One of them, as the General Chair of the REI, is that we will formulate answers to the needs of young people related to housing,” said Giring.
Totok admitted that he was very happy because he finally officially joined PSI. He believes PSI is a suitable home for him.
"To fight to uphold tolerance and maintain solidarity," said Totok after officially joining PSI.
In addition, Totok emphasized that it is impossible for Indonesia to become a big and developed country without the contribution of all elements of the nation
"At PSI, I will collaborate to build the nation's economy, including with millennials. We cannot remain silent and play safely so we must be involved," said Totok.
PSI Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees Grace Natalie said PSI was very grateful for Totok's joining.
"We have the same anxiety, there are real challenges ahead. By joining bro Totok, it's like we got a super vitamin shot," said Grace.
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