
JAKARTA The riot had occurred before Indra Kenz's verdict at the Tangerang District Court. Although in the end the trial was postponed, the mass group who claimed to be from the Indra Kenz Victims Association did not disperse. In fact, they had a chance to argue with Paris Pernandes alias Paris Binjai, the owner of the jargon Greetings from Binjai.

The commotion started when a mob from the Victim's Association, Indra Kenz, was annoyed that the judge postponed the verdict trial until November 14. In the midst of that frustration, the victims Indra Kenz saw Paris with their colleagues carrying banners that were supportive of Indra Kenz. The atmosphere is getting hotter.

The action of pushing and pushing took place between the Paris group and the victim Indra Kenz. The crowd was annoyed that there were other parties who were the figures who had deceived him in fantastic numbers

Paris, wearing black clothes and black hat, was almost beaten by the Paguyuban group of Victim Indra Kenz.

This is not Anj**'s content. Taro banner. What's wrong with defending the wrong thing, bro. This is not a banana tree. You're crazy," shouted victim Indra Kenz, Friday, October 28.

Meanwhile, Paris Binjai was secured by Tangerang District Court security officers, in order to avoid the tantrum of the victim Indra Kenz.

"I'm just giving encouragement. There's no point in defending anyone. Bang Indra is already good with me, that's all, while walking out.

Previously, it was reported that the trial with the agenda of reading the verdict from the panel of judges for the defendant Indra Kusuma or Indra Kenz at the Tangerang District Court (PN), was postponed until November 14.

It is known that the schedule for the trial trial, which is scheduled to be held on Friday, October 28, at 09.00 WIB, was then postponed to 14.30 WIB. However, in fact the trial was delayed until 16.19 WIB. At the start of the trial, Chief Judge Rakhman Rajagukgu decided the trial was postponed to November 14.

Indra Kenz was charged by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) with the criminal act of money laundering (TPPU) and online trading mode fraud Binary Option (Binomo) with 15 years in prison.

Not only that, Indra Kenz was also asked to compensate Rp 10 billion, if he did not pay, he was replaced with 12 months in prison.

This is regulated in Article 45A paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph (1) of Law number 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions.

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