
YOGYAKARTA Since independence on August 17, 1945, the seat of President of the Republic of Indonesia has always been occupied by Javanese-blooded politicians. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people want to know the fact why the president is always from Java.

History records that six of the seven politicians who were once president of the Republic of Indonesia came from Javanese ethnicity. They are Soekarno who comes from Blitar, East Java. Suharto from Bantul, Yogyakarta Special Region.

Then Megawati Soekarnoputri who was born in Yogyakarta. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono from Pacitan, East Java, and Joko Widodo from Surakarta, Central Java.

The only President of the Republic of Indonesia who did not come from Java was the late Baharudin Jusuf (BJ) Habibie who was appointed president in 1998. Habibie is known to have been born in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi. However, if examined more deeply, Habibie still has Javanese lineage from his mother who comes from the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

So, what causes Javanese ethnic politicians to dominate on the national political stage, including in terms of the occupation of the President's seat?

Compiled by VOI from various sources, here are some things that may be the answer to the question, why is the president of the Republic of Indonesia always from Java.

The election of Javanese ethnic politicians as Indonesian President is associated with a myth about Jayabaya's predictions.

According to Jayabaya's prediction, there will be the figure of Piningit Knight and Queen Adil who will bring the land of Java and Indonesia as a whole to progress with a just and chivalrous leadership.

The prediction also mentions that the figure of Rau Adil and Ksatria Piningit is a descendant of the Majapahit Kingdom, which is located on the island of Java.

Until now, it is not known who the figure of Queen Adil and Ksatria Piningit is in Jayabaya's prediction. However, people who believe in the myth believe that this figure comes from the Javanese tribe.

Before Japan surrendered to the Allies due to the bombing of the City of Hiroshima and caps on August 9, 1945, the Japanese government in Indonesia had formed a Agency for Investigating Preparatory Efforts for Independence (BPUPKI) or in Japanese called Dokuritsu Junbi Chosa-kai. The formation of BPUPKI was carried out on March 1, 1945.

BPUPKI was formed as an effort by the Japanese government to help Indonesia gain its independence.

There are 67 BPUPKI members and are dominated by Javanese ethnic politicians. BPUPKI is chaired by Dr, Kanjeng Raden Tumenggung (K.R.T) Radjiman Wedyodiningrat with his deputy Raden Panji Soeroso.

When BPUPKI turned into a Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) or in Japanese Dokuritsu Junbi Iinkai, many of its members also came from the Javanese tribe.

Of the 21 members, 12 came from the Javanese tribe, 3 from Sumatra, 2 from Sulawesi, 1 person from the Small Sunda or now called Nusa Tenggara, 1 person from Maluku and 1 person with the Chinese ethnicity.

This historical fact shows that the influence of the Javanese tribe on the way to independence and politics is certainly greater, although the basis used is Democracy where the most votes are a consensus but not suppressing minority freedom.

Indonesia is a nation that has a diversity of ethnic groups, religions and languages. According to the results of the Population Census in 2010, Java dominated 40.22 percent (95.2 million people) of the Indonesian nation or ethnic population, totaling 236.73 people. This means that the largest voter in the election, the island of Java holds the largest voter.

That way, presidential candidates from Java, have a great opportunity to win in the general election (Pemilu).

This third point may be the most logical answer why the president is always from Java. Even so, it is possible that in the future, Indonesia will be led by politicians who do not come from the Javanese tribe.

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