
JAKARTA - Ukrainian forces detained repeated attacks near two major cities in the eastern Donbas region, President Volodymyr Zelensky said Wednesday, describing Russia's tactics as crazy.

Speaking in a video evening address, President Zelensky also said there would be good news from the front lines, but did not provide details.

President Zelensky explained that the worst fighting occurred near Avdivka, outside Donetsk, and Bakhmut, further northeast.

"This is where the craze of the Russian command is clearest. Day after day, for months, they put the dead there, concentrating on the highest level of artillery strikes," he explained.

Russian troops have repeatedly tried to seize Bakhmut, which is located on the main road to the Ukrainian-controlled city of Sloviansk and Kramatorsk.

Meanwhile President Zelensky's adviser, Oleksify Arestovych said on Tuesday, on certain days, Russia had attacked Bakhmut eight times before lunch and had always been pushed back.

President Zelensky did not mention what happened near the southern city of Kherson, which is controlled by pro-Moscow forces. Ukrainian troops say they expect fierce fighting there.

"Generally, we are strengthening our position across the front lines, reducing the ability of the invaders, destroying their logistics, and preparing good news for Ukraine."

Separately, Russian authorities in Shakhtarsk, just east of Donetsk, said Ukraine's shooting had burned fuel tanks at city train stations.

Ukrainian troops, some equipped with artillery supplied by the United States and other allies, methodically opened fire on Russian fuel and ammunition bases and railroad lines.

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