
YOGYAKARTA - The launch of a second home visa service (second home visa) by the Immigration Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia is good news for foreign nationals (WNA) who are in Indonesia. With this service foreigners can stay in Indonesia in 5-10 years to carry out work activities, invest and other activities that contribute to the economy.

The Directorate General of Immigration at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is optimistic that the second home visa can boost foreign tourist visits and foreign investment in Indonesia. This policy is an order from the law and short questions.

The second home visa policy is guided by Circular Number IMI04740.GR.01.01 of 2022 concerning the Provision of a Second Limited Home Stay Permit and Visas and Permit issued on Tuesday, October 25. Foreigners can apply for a second home visa in an easy way, as well as the requirements.

Second home visa is a residence permit in Indonesia for foreigners. With this visa, foreigners can move more freely in Indonesia, but still comply with the laws and regulations.

Not all foreigners are entitled to a second home visa. This visa is intended for foreigners who meet the provisions regarding the benefits of contributing to the improvement of the Indonesian economy.

Second home visa is also useful for elderly foreigners to be able to settle in Indonesia. In addition, this visa can also be used by former Indonesian citizens (WNI) who will return to live in the country.

Foreigners who wish to get a second home visa can apply online on the page. Applicants are asked to attach several documents as a condition as follows:

The PNBP tariff for the second home visa is IDR 3 million. The tariff stipulation is regulated in the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 2 of 2022. Tariffs can be paid outside Indonesian territory through available portals.

That is what the second home visa is for foreigners and how to get it and the costs. The Immigration Ministry of Law and Human Rights said that this policy had come into effect 60 days after the circular was issued.

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