
The East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Regional Police's DVI Biddokes Team has again identified the bodies of three victims of the Fast Cantika 77 Motor Ship (KM) fire. The three bodies were found by the joint SAR team on Tuesday, October 25 yesterday.

"The three bodies that arrived last night have been identified and have been handed over to the family," said Head of the Sub Division of Medicine and Health of the NTT Police AKBP Eddy Syaputra Hasibuan in Kupang, NTT, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, October 26.

He said, overall the total number of dead victims who were identified was 17 bodies. All of them are bodies that were handed over to the DVI team.

The three bodies are; Juwita Obije, a two-year-old child; Asnat Sali, a 52-year-old woman; and Imanuel Mauta, 55.

The three of them allegedly died from difficulty breathing when the fire broke out, besides that because they had been in the water for too long.

A total of 17 bodies of victims of the fast motorboat (KM) Cantika 77 were found on the second day of the search on Tuesday, October 25 yesterday.

The SAR team is still searching because of the manifest or the exact number of passengers on the Fast Cantika 77 Motor Ship (KM) is not yet known.

Of the initial manifests reported only 80 people, but on the way there were 167 people. As of Tuesday, October 25 yesterday, the number of manifests is known to be 329 people.

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