
JAKARTA - The Democrat Party respects PKS' desire as a candidate for coalition partners to present the name of Chairman of the PKS Syuro Council Ahmad Heryawan ALIAS Aher as a vice presidential candidate (cawapres) for Anies Baswedan.

Head of the Democratic DPP Strategic Communication Agency Herzaky Mahendra Putra said Aher's proposal as a vice presidential candidate was the right and sovereignty of PKS as an independent political party.

"That is the sovereignty of PKS, our potential coalition partner, as an independent and independent political party," Herzaky told reporters, Tuesday, October 25.

According to him, PKS certainly wants to get an electoral effect from Aher's candidacy as vice presidential candidate. "With the increase in electoral political parties, the supporter can have a strengthening impact in parliament," he added.

Most importantly, said Herzaky, whoever the presidential and vice presidential candidates are the final goal of the Change Coalition to win the 2024 election can be achieved. He said the Democrats wanted the power of parliament and the government to work together.

"It can realize the aspirations of the changes voiced by the people. This is the ultimate goal of our efforts to the Coalition for Change, to get victory in the presidential and legislative elections in 2024," said Herzaky.

Previously, PKS spokesman Muhammad Kholid said, initially PKS pocketed five cadre names to be proposed as vice presidential candidates. The five names are Ahmad Heryawan (Aher), Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW), Irwan Prayitno, Ahmad Syaikhu, and Sohibul Iman.

"However, in its development, it is reduced to one name. PKS will propose Aher in the small team negotiating desk," said Kholid when confirmed, Tuesday, October 25.

Nevertheless, Kholid emphasized that PKS did not close other names as alternative candidates for Anies' companion. Because, he said, the discussion of the vice presidential figure between potential coalition partners was still very fluid.

"PKS opens up opportunities for names that will appear later at the negotiating table. Be it political parties or non-political parties that are important according to the criteria," explained Kholid.

Kholid revealed that important criteria for vice presidential candidates have the potential to win. In addition, those who are most able to lead and complement each other, and are most able to unite the nation. So far, he said, a small team of coalition candidates is still focused on discussing the criteria and mechanisms for vice presidential election.

"The small team is still in the stage of determining the criteria and the election mechanism, because our principle is equal partnership. So, each party proposes names and candidates," said Kholid.

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