Arriving At The South Jakarta District Court, The Brigadier's Family PLAYed The Batak National Horas Uniform
Vera Marela Simanjuntak, Brigadier JK's lover at the South Jakarta District Court/ Photo: Jehan/ VOI


JAKARTA - The South Jakarta District Court (PN) has again held a follow-up hearing in the murder case of Brigadier J. The trial this time has an agenda for examining 12 witnesses with the defendant Bharada E.

VOI monitoring at the location, parents and lovers of the late Brigadier J arrived at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, October 25, at 08.52 WIB.

They came in three different cars. It appears that the 12 witnesses who were present this time wore the clothes of the Batak National Horas in red white.

Brigadier J's attorney, Kamaruddin, said that the 12 people who came today would be witnesses at the trial of Bharada E.

The 12 witnesses were Samuel Hutabarat as the father of Yosua, Vera Marela Simanjuntak as the lover of Yosua, Rosti Simanjuntak, Mahareza Rizky, Yuni Artika Hutabarat, Devianita Hutabarat, Novitasari Nadea, Simanjuntak Spirit, Parulian Studio, Roslin Emika Simanjuntak, Indrawanto Pasaribu and Kamaruddin.

"It is true that today there will be an examination of 12 witnesses, one of which is me, plus 11 families from the deceased," said Kamaruddin at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, October 25.

Meanwhile, Brigadier J's lover, Vera Marema Simanjuntak, admitted that she had prepared herself as much as possible.

"The maximum is possible. Yes (will certainly provide information). There are many of these witnesses. Ready (to go to trial and testify). As much preparation as possible," he concluded.

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