
CILACAP Road conditions are at high risk for motorcyclists. Uneven roads and roads (waves) can make vehicles lose control, or lose balance so that they can cause accidents. In fact, the result of the accident can result in the loss of a person's life.

From various reports of incidents, not a few motorcyclists died and were injured by potholes or bumpy roads.

What these police officers have done is very useful. They took the initiative to sign potholes by using spray paint. The goal is that motorcyclists can avoid the hole. So the potential for accidents is minimal.

There are many potholes and bumpy roads along Maos - Sampang Street. It is very prone to accidents, said Maos Police Chief AKP Iwan Effendi, in his statement, Monday, October 24.

Iwan also explained that bad traffic ethics was also a trigger for accidents. Moreover, the depth of the road pit reaches more than five centimeters, it is very dangerous for the safety of motorcyclists. It can even trigger fatal accidents.

According to him, the signing uses white spray paint in the hope that road users will know of potholes to avoid accidents.

Iwan reminded road users who pass along potholes to be careful of potholes, must obey traffic ethics and drive.

"We will coordinate with local governments to anticipate fatality of accidents caused by potholes," he said.

Based on accident data recorded by the Maos Police, Cilacap during the month of 1 month from September 1 to October 23, there were 7 accidents, 1 person died, 10 people were injured, with a total material loss of IDR 2,100,000.

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