SUKABUMI - Personnel from the Kadudampit Resor Sukabumi City Police guarding the location of the landslide that buried two residents of Cibunar 2 Lepa Village, Sukabumi Regency, West Java. One person died in this incident.
"This safeguarding is carried out in anticipation of unwanted things after the landslide disaster that buried father and son in RT 19/05, Kadudampit Village/District and we have also installed a police line," said Kadudampit Police Chief Ipda Awan in Sukabumi, Antara, Sunday, October 23.
According to Awan, as a result of the incident the victim Yanyan Yaryana (48) suffered serious injuries while his son Muhamad Razka Fauzi (19) died at the location due to landslides of 7 meters high cliffs.
The survivors are currently undergoing intensive care at the Sekarwangi Cibadak Hospital, Sukabumi Regency, then Fauzi's body has been buried or buried by the family at a public cemetery (TPU) not far from his house.
From the results of investigations and statements from witnesses at the location, the landslide that killed a resident was due to the condition of the cliff of the ground behind the victim's house being unstable as a result of being eroded by heavy rains every day so that it could no longer withstand the load so that landslides immediately buried the victim's house.
The victim did not manage to save himself from the disaster that occurred at around 00.30 WIB because he was fast asleep. The victim on behalf of Yayan was successfully evacuated by joint volunteers at around 02.00 WIB while the body of his son, Fauzi, had just been found and evacuated from the landslide pile at around 07.30 WIB.
"In addition to killing a resident, due to this landslide disaster the loss reached Rp50 million. Police personnel who were at the scene were still guarding the anticipation of further landslides," he added.
He also appealed to residents living in disaster-prone areas such as around cliffs or riverbanks to always be vigilant, especially when it rains and it is better to temporarily evacuate to more places to minimize unwanted things.
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