
JAKARTA - The National Police will create a team to investigate cases of acute kidney failure in increasing children. Later, coordination will be carried out with relevant stakeholders such as the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes).

"Of course, the National Police will immediately form a team and coordinate with the Ministry of Health and BPOM to jointly investigate the incident," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo in a written statement, Sunday, October 23.

Dedi said that the increase in kidney failure cases in children had become the attention of the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. Later, the Directorate of Drugs at the Criminal Investigation Unit at the National Police Headquarters will intervene.

However, Dedi does not want to talk much about this team. The Bhayangkara Corps only ensures that it will seek criminal offenses and take action.

"We will wait for further information from the Directorate of Drugs, Bareskrim," he said.

As previously reported, cases of acute kidney failure have become a public spotlight. Based on data from the Ministry of Health as of Friday, October 21, there were 241 cases of acute kidney disorders in 22 provinces. With details of 133 deaths and 69 children were declared cured after undergoing treatment, including dialysis.

This case has increased significantly, allegedly due to the content of eltylene glycol and dietilen glycol in child sirop drugs that exceed the threshold.

After the number of cases increased, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) ordered the pharmaceutical industry to attract the circulation of five types of sirop drugs containing EG exceeding the safe threshold.

The five sirop brands whose circulation is withdrawn by BPOM, namely:

1. Thermorex Sirup (drug of fever), produced by PT Konnimex with distribution license number DBL7813003537A1. Packaging boxes, plastic bottles with a capacity of 60 ml.

2. Flurin DMP Sirup (cough and flu medicine), produced by PT Yarindo Farmatama with distribution license number DTL0332708637A1. Packaging box, plastic bottle capacity 60 ml.

3. Unibebi COugh Sirup (cough and flu medicine), produced Universal Pharmaceutical Industries with distribution license number DTL72263037A1. Packaging Dus, Plastic bottles with a capacity of 60 ml.

4. Unibebi Sirup Fever ( fever medicine), production of Universal Pharmaceutical Industries with distribution license number DBL8726301237A1. Dus packaging, 60 ml capacity bottle.

5. Unibebi Fever Drops ( fever medicine), production of Universal Pharmaceutical Industries with distribution license number DBL1926303336A1. Packaging Dus, bottle capacity of 15 ml.

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