
SEMARANG - Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Dr. Moeldoko received the award for Honoris Causa's Doctorate in the field of Human Resources Development Strategy Management for the Semarang State University (UNNES) Postgraduate Science and Management study program. The awarding of the honorary doctorate was held at the Open Senate Meeting, at the Auditorium Prof. Wuryanto UNNES, Saturday, October 22.

In his scientific oration, Moeldoko explained the concept of the Leadership Towards Advanced Indonesia in 2045. This M-Leadership concept is a combination of Military, Business, and Civil leadership.

He said the concept resulted from his journey as TNI Commander in 2013-2015, pursuing the business world after retiring, and while serving as Presidential Chief of Staff.

"In these three worlds I find an important slice, namely the efficiency to win competitions and dare not to lose to others," said Moeldoko in his statement.

He considered, Indonesia must be able to get out of its comfort zone if it is to realize an Advanced Indonesia 2045. Indonesia must also create competition areas in the form of speed, advantage, difference, price, and capture markets in its own country.

He gave an example of how the United States competed with Russia in science and politics. Likewise with Korea which is able to produce superior technologies and human resources, even though it does not have a wealth of natural resources.

"Indonesia is complete, has abundant sources of wealth, has technology that continues to develop, also has many people. We must be able to manage it well, and dare to jump into a more advanced and great nation. For that, we must create competition," said Moeldoko.

The man born in Kediri, East Java, reminded that currently Indonesia is facing global challenges that are permanent and dynamic. Permanently, Indonesia must be able to answer the challenges of global phenomena that are changing very quickly, full of risks, extraordinary complexity, and full of surprises. In addition, the threat of a food, energy and financial crisis has emerged.

Meanwhile, domestically, Indonesia still has problems related to competitiveness at the world level. Such as the Human Capital Index (HCI) and the Human Development Index (HDI).

HCI Indonesia currently occupies 96 of the 174 countries. Meanwhile, HDI is in the position of 107 of the 189 countries in the world.

Responding to these challenges, said Moeldoko, Indonesia's leadership in the future must have the courage to lead the changes by armed with three things. First, the ability to foster a sense of urgency or awareness of the dangers that await if they maintain existing conditions.

Second, the ability to show clear vision to organizational members. Then the third, the ability to be a role model in change.

"I summarize all of that in the M-Leadership concept, namely Move, Motimate, and Make a Difference," he said.

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