
SLEMAN - Cases of acute kidney failure are increasingly worrying. Parents are asked to increase their vigilance when their child is sick.

Pediatrician at the Sleman Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Yogyakarta Special Region, Dr. Raden Yuli Kristianto Sp.A appealed to parents to monitor the baby's urine if he was sick. This is one of the efforts to treat acute kidney failure diseases

"If urine production drops or does not even urinate for six hours, parents don't worry, and don't panic, but immediately consult a doctor," said Raden Yuli, as quoted by Antara, Saturday, October 22.

He said doctors would carry out health care in the form of physical examinations and then supported by laboratory examinations. He also added that currently health workers throughout Indonesia are being asked to increase awareness of cases of kidney failure.

"If the child is indicated to have acute kidney failure, a referral will be made to a special referral hospital. In Yogyakarta, the referral hospital is Dr Sardjito Hospital," he said.

Yuli said that until now the Indonesian people are generally still waiting for further information from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, BPOM and other government agencies regarding the condition of acute kidney failure in children and the use of sirop drugs.

"This means that there will still be policies that change in dealing with these conditions," he said.

Therefore, the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) recommends several things regarding kidney failure disorders in children's acute accounts, namely based on the Ministry of Health's decision and recommendations from IDAI.

Health workers are currently recommended not to prescribed liquid medicines first.

"Therefore, if there is a routine use of liquid medicines, please immediately consult a pediatrician to replace the drug," he said.

He said that it was related to sirop drugs, which caused kidney failure by taking sirop drugs, which were not actually components in them. But the solvent uses ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol.

"In Indonesia, BPOM is currently investigating any drugs containing ethylene glycol and a glycol diethylene," he said.

According to him, from the results of the investigation, preliminary results have emerged that there are several drugs in Indonesia that contain ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol.

"So people should continue to wait for the results of the BPOM until the final, and be asked not to do'self-medicating' with sirop drugs," he said.

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