
JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin launched a Santri Scholarship for the 2022 National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) to coincide with the Commemoration of Santri Day 2022, at the Vice Presidential Palace, Jakarta.

"Alhamdulillah, in this place, on Santri Day, the 2022 Baznas Santri Scholarship was launched," said the Vice President at the launch of the 2022 Baznas Santri Scholarship in Jakarta, Saturday, October 22.

Ma'ruf said the launch of the Santri Baznas Scholarship was part of the movement and struggle of students in the country.

According to him, the service of students in the country is a continuous service. Throughout his life, students have fought for independence, expelled the invaders, and defended this independence.

He left a message to Baznas so that the scholarships that had been given to thousands of students could be increased.

"It is hoped that Santri Baznas students can encourage poverty reduction programs. Through education, not only students are developing, but the families of students are raised economically, even those around the pesantren and its surroundings are helped," he explained.

Meanwhile, for outstanding students who receive scholarships, the Vice President advised them to complete Islamic boarding school education on time and continue higher education, especially in public universities and other favorite universities.

He hopes that later students can become Indonesian technocrats, bureaucrats, and leaders, including being President of the Republic of Indonesia such as Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur.

"We look forward to making you the successor to a professional nation and becoming the leader of the nation and future country. With the words bismillah, the 2022 Santri Baznas Scholarship, I declare that it will be officially launched," said the Vice President.

"We feel it is very important to hold the launch of the 2022 Baznas Santri Scholarship at the Vice Presidential Palace and launched by the Vice President who is the Father of Indonesian Santri because the students have a very long history. The existence of education in Indonesia cannot be separated from the role of the santri itself," said Chairman of Baznas Noor Ahmad.

He said the number of scholarships given was 2,500 scholarships so that students could continue their education to college.

In addition, Baznas will launch 300 scholarships for students who will continue their education at Al-Azhar University in Egypt.

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