
The Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Secretariat's Government Bureau, Andriansyah, said that the most common problem is the complaint material for residents in complaint desk services at City Hall is the matter of social assistance (bansos).

Andriansyah said the residents complained that they were not included as recipients of social assistance in the integrated social welfare data (DTKS).

"The most reported are about social assistance. Residents who have not or have not received assistance. They ( FEEL) worthy, but the DTKS data does not yet exist," Andriansyah said when contacted, Saturday, October 22.

Although the complaint was received, the DKI Provincial Government could not immediately grant the wishes of the reporting residents to be included as recipients of social assistance from the government.

Andriansyah said the DKI Jakarta Social Service would first verify before entering related citizen data in social assistance recipients.

"We have to check and confirm with our friends the Social Service whether it is appropriate or not. Including, whether it is true or not if they do not accept it. It must also be confirmed what conditions in the field," he said.

For information, in the past, tables and chairs as complaints services for residents were applied in the Ahok era when he served as Governor of DKI Jakarta replacing Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who became president.

When Jokowi became Governor of DKI, residents' complaints to the DKI Provincial Government were made via text message. The mechanism by activating a number of mobile numbers began in September 2014. Ahok as Jokowi's representative in DKI at that time also initiated a team to respond to complaints from residents named Public Opinion Response.

When Jokowi officially became head of state, Ahok changed the complaint mechanism by presenting a table and chairs on the terrace of the DKI City Hall. Residents can immediately release their complaints complaining at the table by visiting City Hall.

When Anies Baswedan served as Governor of DKI, the tables and seats of the complaint were removed on the grounds that residents could complain at the kelurahan office to the sub-district. Residents can also complain online through the JAKI application.

Now, the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, has again opened a complaint desk on the pavilion terrace of City Hall, right in front of his office. The complaint desk is open every Monday to Friday from 07.30 to 08.30 WIB.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government noted that 83 residents had complained about the problem with the complaint desk service at the DKI Jakarta City Hall for the last three days from Tuesday, October 18 to Thursday, October 20, 2022. There were 7 complaints who entered on October 18, 22 people on October 19, and 54 people on October 20.

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