
The West Java High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) has named four suspects for alleged corruption in the management of School Operational Assistance (BOS) funds amounting to Rp22 billion for madrasas within the West Java Ministry of Religion. Head of West Java Attorney General's Office, Sutan Harahap, said the four people had the initials EH, AL, MK, and MSA. With the alleged corruption, according to him, the suspects caused the state to suffer losses. "The mode used is to mark the cost of doubling the exam questions, so that the state is harmed by approximately Rp22 billion," said Sutan at the West Java Prosecutor's Office, Bandung City, Antara, Friday, October 21. The inflated costs were carried out to double the various types of school exams, starting from the try out answer sheet exams, the National Standarded Madrasah Final Examination (UAMBN), the National Standarded School Madrasah/Test (UM/USBN), the Year-End Assessment (PAT), and the Final Semester Assessment (PAS) of the MTs. According to him, the alleged corruption was carried out in the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year within the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of West Java Province. He explained that the suspect with the initials EH was the Head of the West Java Province Madrasah Tsanawiyah Working Group in 2017-2018, then AL was the Treasurer of the West Java Province Madrasah Tsanawiyah Working Group in 2017-2018. Meanwhile, according to him, the other two suspects, namely the Constitutional Court and MSA, came from a private party suspected of being involved in a conspiracy in the corruption case. Meanwhile, the Assistant for Special Crimes (Aspidsus) of the West Java Prosecutor's Office, Riyono, explained that the suspects EH and AL were suspected of directing and taking over the process of appointing parties who carried out various doubling the exam questions. Furthermore, he said, EH and AL conspired with the Constitutional Court to increase the cost price for multipliers in various questions about the test, even though it is the authority of each madrasa in West Java. "From the results of the mark-up, the KKMTs (Chairman of the Tsanawiyah Madrasah Working Group) of West Java Province gets a share," said Riyono. In addition, EH then conspired with MSA, who is his son as director of a private company, to be a party in the multiplier project regarding the exam. "In fact, it is known (MSA) does not have the ability to carry out doubling of exam questions and only as brokers or intermediaries to other companies that benefit themselves amounting to Rp1.3 billion," said Riyono. According to him, this activity contradicts the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Education Number 7381 of 2016 concerning Technical Guidelines for School Operational Assistance at Madrasahs for Fiscal Year 2017. Riyono said the four suspects were suspected of violating Article 2, Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2011 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code. "Furthermore, the four suspects, after undergoing examination at the West Java High Prosecutor's Office, were detained by investigators at the Class I Bandung Detention Center and the Class IIA Women's State Detention Center in Bandung for the next 20 days," he said.

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