
West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Police investigators handed over the files of three suspected tanker suspects who violated the rules in filling subsidized diesel fuel to the prosecutor's office.

The Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Pol Artanto, explained that the delegation of the phase I file was for the research needs of the prosecutor.

"The handling of the fuel tanker case is in stage one, investigators have transferred the files to the prosecutor for investigation," said Artanto in Mataram, NTB, quoted from Antara, Friday, October 21.

The three suspects in this case are the tanker captain of fuel, the captain of a fishing boat, and an operational manager of a tanker company.

They allegedly violated the rules for refueling fuel from tankers to fishing vessels in the waters of Telong Elong, East Lombok, NTB.

The three suspects have been detained. The suspects are suspected of Article 263 of the Criminal Code concerning Document Forgery and or Article 53 letter b of Law Number 22/2001 concerning Oil and Gas of Earth which regulates the provisions of the transportation business license.

"So, all files belonging to the three suspects were transferred," he said.

In this case, Artanto said a number of evidences were secured, including a tanker carrying subsidized diesel fuel and fishing boats belonging to East Lombok fishermen. The ship was secured at Labuhan Haji pier, East Lombok.

There were two tankers confiscated, namely MT Anggun Selatan and MT Harima, which are owned by the company PT Tripatra Nusantara, having its address in Palembang.

Including KM Satu Raya belonging to fishermen in East Lombok who allegedly received subsidized diesel fuel filling in the Telong Elong waters.

Detention was also carried out on evidence of fuel. From MT Harima and KM Satu Raya, the police confiscated 227,000 liters of subsidized diesel fuel. Meanwhile, from the cargo of MT Anggun Selatan, 135.000 liters of subsidized diesel were confiscated.

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