
Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD emphasized that there is no excessive fear of Islam or Muslims in Indonesia.

"There is no longer any fear of Islam, because there is no Islamophobia in this country carried out by the state," Mahfud said at the National Santri Day Commemoration of 2022 Halaqah Kebangsaan with the theme "Ideology of the State Ideology of Santri" at the Office of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Jakarta, Friday, October 21, reported by Antara.

In fact, continued Mahfud, the existence of santri was recognized by the Government with the stipulation of National Santri Day on October 22.

"There is also no shame in claiming to be Muslim. In the past, it felt like if Muslims were shy, they were considered rural; now they don't, because there is also no Islamophobia. The students have no defeat their achievements with people, not students," he explained.

According to him, the movement of vertical mobility of students in Indonesia is clear evidence that Islamophobia has never occurred in Indonesia.

"It all refutes allegations that in Indonesia Islamophobia occurs. The students can accelerate through faster vertical mobility precisely because there is no Islamophobia in this country," he said.

He explained that Islamophobia only occurs in society individually or mocks students as underdeveloped people. If this happens individually, he said, there will also be a phobia of other religions.

"If it happens in the community, then in society there is also buphaphobia, there is Christianphobia, there is hinduphobia, not only Islamophobia if individual behavior in society; but this country and nation do not have Islamophobia at all," he said.

He said that currently the students are making extraordinary progress and have experienced extraordinary upwards in vertical social mobility.

"Some have become presidents, vice presidents, entered into various professions to become merchants, officials, academics, leaders of mass organizations, politicians, governors, regents, mayors, and some even writers, very influential artists in Indonesia," he said.

In fact, said Mahfud, in everyday life, the culture of santri and Islam is like the habit of dressed Islamically on large campuses, such as UI, ITB, and UGM. President Jokowi and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, he said, often invite students to take selfies at the State Palace.

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