
JAKARTA - The restriction on the purchase of subsidized fuel oil (BBM) through the MyPertamina application has not yet been carried out. In fact, the discourse has been echoed since a few months ago.

Director General of Oil and Gas Tutuka Ariadji said the policy to regulate oil fuel subsidies (BBM) on target is still under discussion between ministries. The government is trying to make subsidies on target run well.

"Now it is being discussed between ministries. The point is that we are trying to make the subsidies on target run well. The arrangement is that those who are entitled must receive (subsidized BBM). Don't those who are not entitled to receive (subsidies) even spend," said Ariadji, Wednesday, October 19.

Tutuka emphasized that the government maintains the interests of the people who are entitled and need subsidized fuel. It is hoped that the revision of Presidential Decree Number 191 of 2014 concerning the Provision, Distribution, and Retail Selling Price of Oil Fuel can be completed soon.

"It's still being discussed. Hopefully it can be published soon," he said.

To screen people who have the right to use subsidized fuel, information system technology will later be used. As for diesel fuel, the Government will also cooperate with the Regional Government.

"Later, there will be a system that is prepared to be used for the benefit (filling the people who are entitled). The local government tends to cooperate for Solar," explained Tutuka.

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga conveyed that the purchase of subsidized fuel through the MyPertamina application had not yet run. This is because the revision of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) 191 of 2014 concerning the Provision, Distribution, and Retail Selling Price of Oil Fuels has not yet been completed.

The revised Perpres will reportedly regulate the criteria for vehicles that are entitled to buy Pertalite fuel. Pertamina itself is still collecting data on vehicles.

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