JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, likens every problem to a test for the internal police institution. This is like gold which is constantlyETting.
As is known, recently the National Police's core has been plagued by various questions carried out by its members. Starting from Ferdy Sambo, the former Head of the Propam Division who was involved in the premeditated murder of Brigadier J, Inspector General Teddy Minahasa in drug cases, to the Kanjuruhan incident, Malang.
"I always advise all members that we are currently being tested. It's like gold, we are currently carrying out purification, enriching it to become 24-carat gold," he said while giving a speech at the commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad's Birthday 1444 Hijri at Bhayangkara Field at the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, October 18.
He emphasized that the test is expected to bring the Police closer, more loved by the community and become a '24 carat' Police in the community.
The commemoration of the Prophet's birthday, which was held by the National Police, carries the theme, "Actualization of the example of the leadership morals of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, we create a precise Polri".
The National Police Chief said the activity was attended by almost most ulama leaders, religious leaders, representatives of the TNI, youth organizations, student executive bodies and all other elements of society.
"We also connect virtually with all Polda and all Polres," he said.
Sigit hopes that the commemoration of the Prophet's birthday can be an effort through prayers, so that the Indonesian people can continue to maintain a positive trend in the midst of the dynamics that are developing throughout the world.
In addition, the commemoration of the Prophet's birthday is also a momentum to continue to maintain and strengthen synergy, solidity and collaboration between umara, ulama, TNI, Polri, community, youth and all other elements.
He said, the creation of synergy and solidity will further strengthen and maintain the unity and integrity that spearheads the Indonesian nation in facing all forms of dynamics that develop in the country and internationally.
"We believe that with the power of prayer we will be able to exceed everything," he said.
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