
JAKARTA - The level of public confidence in the police went free after being hit by the Ferdy Sambo case. In his findings, only 59.1 percent believed in the National Police. This means that it fell 13 percent from 72.1 percent before the premeditated murder case against Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat occurred. "In 2018, even trust in the police was at 87.8 percent. In 2019, after the 2019 presidential election, trust in the police had decreased at 72.1 percent. Now in 2022, Ferdy Sambo's case caused the case of trust in the police to decrease to 59.1 percent," said LSIGI - LSI Director Denny JA, Ardian Sopa, in an online survey presentation, Tuesday, October 18. With these results, the difference in the level of public trust in the TNI is now far above the police. The level of public trust in the TNI is at 90.9 percent. "The difference in trust in the TNI and Polri is 31.8 percent," said Ardian. In addition to the case of Ferdy Sambo, the case of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy also reduced the image of the police. Where the victim died in the dark tragedy of Indonesian football was very much, namely 132 lives lost.

"The police are blamed for using tear gas, which expires as well," explained Ardian.

On the other hand, the level of trust in the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, is actually higher than in the National Police itself. People who believe in the police are at 59.1 percent. Meanwhile, the level of trust in the performance of the National Police Chief is at 65 percent.

"The distance of trust in the National Police Chief is 6 percent apart from the Police. This is because the public sees the seriousness of the National Police Chief in re-cleaning the police performance," said Ardian.

However, continued Ardian, as many as 85 percent of the public still hopes that the police will get high trust from the public again. Moreover, in 2018, trust in the police touched 87.8 percent.

"As a state institution, of course, public trust is important for the police. The stronger the public trust, the easier it is for the police to succeed in carrying out their roles," he said.

"As the police motto of Rastra Rentangkotama. That means Abdi Utama for Nusa and the Nation," continued Ardian.

Ardian added that the majority of the public hoped that the police would return to their defense as a just and clean protector for the wider community.

"There is no strong and clean country without the presence of a strong and clean police institution," he concluded.

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