
Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko emphasized the importance of a leader must be able to understand the various problems that occur in the regions. He gave an example of the leadership of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), who is constantly looking for solutions to the sharing of problems felt by the people in the regions.

This is the basis why Pak Jokowi often goes to the regions. So that he understands the problems that occur in the regions, and can find the right solution. President Jokowi has set a good example of leadership for all of us," said Moeldoko in front of the community and Forkopimda of Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, Tuesday, October 18.

For information, Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko made a working visit to Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, to review the development of the construction of Lantagi Airport, in Kalisusu District, North Buton.

On that occasion, Moeldoko again reminded the global situation. Where the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian-Ukraine conflict has made world countries face the threat of a food, energy and financial crisis. He said, currently there are 194 million people experiencing food problems, and 28 countries have queued up to become International Monetary Fund (IMF) patients or the International Monetary Fund.

In the midst of this complicated situation, continued Moeldoko, Indonesia's condition is still quite good. This was demonstrated by the achievement of economic growth of 5.44 percent, and controlled inflation at 4.94 percent.

This is an extraordinary achievement in the midst of world countries experiencing a recession. Even the IMF calls Indonesia a bright spot when the world is hit by darkness. All of these achievements are a form of the hard work of President Jokowi's government which continues to find solutions to various problems," said Moeldoko.

"We are currently working hard to deal with the crisis. So don't make noise with things that no longer need to be disputed about the truth," he urged.

The 2013-2015 TNI Commander invited local governments and the community, especially in Buton districts, to work harder in facing domestic challenges. Namely, the challenges of poverty, education, and health.

I need to say this, so that we all care that the situation we face today and in the future is not easy. But we should not be pessimistic and optimistic, because we have good resources," concluded Moeldoko.

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