
JAKARTA - Bharada's lawyer Richard totaling Pudihang or Bharada E, Ronny Tapalessy said that all the dakwan prepared by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) was in accordance with the facts that occurred, including the incident where his client shot Nopriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J. However, it was emphasized that the shooting carried out by Bharada E was on the orders of the defendant Ferdy Sambo. "The actions carried out by our client are correct. We did not deny the shooting. But what is the basis? Based on the order, said Ronny at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, October 18. With this order, Bharada E could not possibly refuse. This is because there is a far different rank between his client and Ferdy Sambo, who at that time was still a police general. “ There is such a thing as a power relationship. Just imagine, the second level Bharada faced the general,” said Ronny. Bharada E had previously apologized publicly to Brigadier J's extended family. He also admitted that he had no power to reject Ferdy Sambo's request to shoot Brigadier J. This was said by Bharada E after reading the indictment at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, October 18. Bharada E and the legal team agreed not to file a memorandum of objection. "I express my deepest condolences for what happened to the late Bang Yos (Brigadier J or Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat)," said Bharada E, wearing a white shirt. "I pray that the deceased will be accepted by the Lord Jesus," he continued. Bharada E hopes that the big family of Brigadier J will accept his apology. Bharada E argued that he was just a member of the police with a low rank. He was unable to refuse a request from Ferdy Sambo, who at that time was his commander, an Inspector General with the position of Head of the Propam Division at the National Police Headquarters. "I would like to state that I am just a member who does not have the ability to refuse a request from a general," he continued.

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