
JAKARTA - The public's trust that the DPR's performance will improve can be used as social capital for the legislative body to continue to sharpen its performance. From the work for the people who are increasing, the image of the DPR will also increase.

"Although the image of the DPR RI is now decreasing, after reaching its highest point in the last 7 years in January 2022, at least the public still hopes for performance towards the people's representatives they have chosen. This must be used as social capital for legislators to improve their work again," said political communication observer from the University of Indonesia, Ari Junaedi, Monday, October 17.

According to the Kompas Research and Development survey, the image of the DPR under the leadership of Puan Maharani had peaked at 62.2 percent in January 2022. However, in the latest survey of 4-6 October 2022, the image of the DPR decreased. Even so, as many as 43.6 percent of the public believes that the performance of their representatives in parliament will improve.

"What the DPR RI has to do is how to improve public trust again, such as in January 2022, even more. That is the challenge of the DPR now," he said.

Ari further assessed that, apart from performance, there are other things that must be considered by members of the DPR RI in order to achieve public trust, namely attitudes and lifestyles that must be populist.

"Outside of performance, the attitudes and lifestyles of members of the DPR RI must be the same, or at least not unequal with the people they represent. The emotional side of the people is no less important than performance," said Ari.

In fact, Ari continued, winning the emotional side of the public affects perceptions more often than the rational side such as performance.

There are also many public officials whose objective performance is not very good, but the image is good because the people are friendly and kind in front of the people. Well, if the DPR RI can do both, a good lifestyle and performance, the public trust can definitely increase again," said Ari.

Ari explained, in the period January-September 2022, the quality of the DPR RI's legislative performance was actually quite good, such as the ratification of the Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence and the Personal Data Content Act.

"This quality work of the DPR must be massively socialized so that the public gets information about the role of the DPR RI behind laws that are real useful for the highway," said Ari.

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