
JAKARTA - The body of an IPB student who was swept away by the flood from Bogor City has been found by the SAR Team in the West Flood Canal (BKB) River, Tambora District, West Jakarta.

According to Public Relations of the Jakarta SAR Office, Ramli, the victim's body was found floating on Sunday, October 16, at 08.00 WIB.

Head of the Jakarta SAR Office as the SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC) in the SAR operation, Fazzli, said that after receiving a report from the UPK DKI Jakarta Water Agency that a body was found, the joint SAR team who had been on standby at the Manggarai floodgate went directly to the location.

"We immediately evacuated the victim to the RSCM," Fazzli told VOI, Sunday, October 16.

After being evacuated, the joint SAR team waited from the victim's family to explain the statement that the body was the victim they had been looking for.

"Finally this afternoon after the identification results, the family stated that the bodies we found were victims who had been wanted by the joint SAR team," he said.

Previously, joint SAR conducted search efforts by dividing the search area into 2 teams. The first team conducted a visual search by land route by SAR by 15 KM from the scene.

"Then the second team made an effort to search using a rubber boat along the ciliwung river flow as far as 20 KM from the scene," he said.

Public Relations of the Jakarta SAR Office, Ramli added, the victim's body was found with a radius of 80 kilometers from the scene.

"It was found as far as 80 km and has been floating in the water. The victim was evacuated to the RSCM for further processing," he added when confirmed by VOI.

Previously, it was reported that a woman's body was found floating in the West Flood Canal (BKB), Besi Bridge, Tambora District, West Jakarta, Sunday, October 16.

The victim's body was evacuated by the DKI Jakarta Basarnas together with the Tambora Police.

When found, the woman's body was wearing a black t-shirt. From the identification results, the victim was identified as an IPB student who had disappeared after being swept away by the current during heavy rains.

The incident occurred when the victim was about to go to campus in the Tanah Cereal area, Bogor, Tuesday, October 11.

Tambora Police Chief Kompol Putra Pratama said, after receiving information, the Tambora Police Criminal Investigation Unit together with the identification of the West Jakarta Metro Police visited the location where the bodies were found.

"We are also coordinating with the dki Basarnas to evacuate the corpse," said Kompol Putra Pratama when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, October 16.

After examining the body, no injuries were found as a result of the abuse

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