
Member of Commission III of the DPR RI Santoso said the National Police Chief must take firm action against members of the National Police who violate the law as arrested by Inspector General Pol. Teddy Minahasa by the Police Propam Division for alleged involvement in drug trafficking. "Any member of the National Police whose rank has violated the law must be dealt with firmly. Strict action starts from dismissal sanctions to imprisonment in accordance with applicable law," Santoso said in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Saturday, October 15. He said that Teddy, who was suspected of being involved in drug trafficking, deserved the heaviest sentence, such as the death penalty for convicted drug trafficking cases. Even so, said Santoso, with the recipient of evidence in the form of methamphetamine drugs that also deserve to be punished as severely as Teddy and his network. "The punishment deserves to be given because the person concerned as a law enforcement officer actually commits a very serious violation of the law," he said. He said the heaviest sentence should be given, said Santoso, because as a law enforcement officer, law enforcement should set an example and role model for the community in complying with applicable legal regulations. He also said that Teddy did not maintain the good name of the Polri institution which must be maintained amidst the downturn of public trust in law enforcement institutions due to cases involving its members. "Second, the evidence that should have been used for investigation purposes and others is related to the next legal process but is instead sold for personal gain," he said. He also hopes that the National Police will not be selective in cases involving its members, "Everyone involved must be arrested so that the network of drug dealers in Indonesia is exposed," he said. Previously, the National Police Chief, General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, said that the former West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Teddy Minahasa is suspected of being involved in a drug trafficking case being investigated by the Polda Metro Jaya. "Yesterday I asked the Head of the Propam Division and conducted an examination of Inspector General TM," said Sigit at the National Police Headquarters, Friday evening. Meanwhile, the Director of Drug Investigation at the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Mukti Juharsa said Inspector General Pol. Teddy Minahasa faces the death penalty in connection with the case of drug trafficking weighing five kilograms (kg) of methamphetamine. "The maximum threat is the death penalty or a minimum of 20 years in prison," said Mukti in Jakarta, Friday. Mukti said the threat of punishment was regulated in Article 114 Paragraph 2 Sub Article 112 Paragraph 2 Juncto Article 132 Paragraph 1 Juncto Article 55 of Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning Narcotics. Apart from Teddy Minahasa (TM), four active members of the National Police were also involved in the case, namely AKBP D who is a former Bukittinggi Police Chief, Kalibaru Police Chief Kompol KS, personnel from the Drug Investigation Unit (Satresnarkoba) West Jakarta Metro Police Aiptu J and Kalibaru Police personnel Aipda A.

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