
Central Jakarta Metro Police held a drug case involving Inspector General Teddy Minahasa, Friday, October 14. Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Komarudin explained, the disclosure of drugs carried out by his unit dragged the name of a high-ranking two-star officer, Inspector General Teddy Minasaha.

Komarudin explained, in the process of developing drug cases, he found the involvement of active elements of the West Jakarta Police. This is what makes the members continue to coordinate at the top level.

"After being investigated, AD is an active police officer at the West Jakarta Police. AD's goods (shabu) were obtained from members of the National Police with the rank of Kompol, at that time we reported it to the Regional Police Chief (Irjen Fadil Imran)." said Kombes Komarudin at the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Friday night, October 14.

After coordinating, Komarudin received an order from the Kapolda to take firm action against members involved in the drug network.

"Ordered us to coordinate with the Head of Propam and the Director of Drugs. From here the development is led by the Director of Drugs at the Polda Metro Jaya (PMJ). We went deeper to carry out raids on people suspected of being the perpetrators of the spread or drug dealers of the type methamphetamine", he explained.

Kombes Komarudin explained the chronology of the arrests made by his party on Monday, October 10 at around 20.00 WIB.

"We secured the HE perpetrators, we secured 2 clips of methamphetamine, each totaling 12 grams, with a total of 44 grams we found. From HE we developed it, and on the same date we arrested a man with the initials HR. Well, from HR it led to brother AD incidentally the boarding house was dealing with HR. We searched and found no evidence. " said Komarudin.

Proses pengembangan terus dilakukan hingga akhirnya mengarah kepada AD, anggota Polri aktif dari Polres Jakarta Barat.

"After being investigated, the Army is an active police officer of the West Jakarta Police. The goods are owned by the Army, they can be obtained from members of the National Police with the rank of Commissioner. At that time we reported them to the Kapolda. " he said.

Director of Drugs at Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Mukti Juharsa also explained that after he received information from the Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief regarding the involvement of members of the West Jakarta Police, the development was carried out to the Kali Baru Police Sector with evidence from HS as much as 305 grams of crystal methamphetamine.

So after receiving information from the Head of the Resort Police (Kombes Komarudin), the suspect was an active member of the West Jakarta Police, developed this case to HS, is the Head of the Kali Baru Police. Kompol HS includes Iptu J, a member of the Tanjung Priok Police.

Mukti again explained that HS' development continued to someone with the initials AW. AW is said to often hold meetings in the Kebon orange area.

HS said the goods could come from AW, who often held meetings in Kebon Jeruk. We arrested AW's brother and brother A. Found evidence. " continued Mukti.

It didn't stop there. Mukti received information involving Brother D, an active police officer in the rank of AKBP. From the arrest of D, 2 kg of crystal methamphetamine was successfully secured.

D was secured with BB (evidence) 2 kg of crystal methamphetamine. D explained, A as a liaison with D. From D's statement, it was stated that there was involvement in Inspector General Pol TM, as controller of BB 5 kg of crystal methamphetamine, of which 3.3 kg of crystal methamphetamine was secured and 1.7 methamphetamine that had been sold by D and circulated in Kampung Bahari.

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