
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo collaborated with Bank Jateng to provide assistance to 35 regencies/cities throughout Central Java for the development of MSMEs, each IDR 1 billion.

"This is a form of our guidance. From Bank Jateng, later all regencies/cities will get Rp1 billion to foster MSMEs," said Ganjar Pranowo in his statement, Friday, October 14.

Not only financial assistance, Ganjar Pranowo also invited all regents/mayors to become offtakers for MSME products. If there are activities, spending can be done on small business actors in their respective regions.

"There are already rules, 40 percent of the APBD is used for the development of MSMEs. So if there is an event, buy it at MSMEs. Whether it's snacks, clothes, shoes, ATK (office stationery tools), and others," he invited.

To be able to do that, there must be assistance to MSME actors. Because to be able to sell using the state budget, it must be included in the e-catalog.

"Central Java Province already has the Blangkon application, the regions may be able to imitate by creating other applications to accommodate selling MSME actors. We continue to assist MSMEs to advance," he said.

Ganjar Pranowo also appreciated the success story of MSMEs assisted by the Central Java Provincial Government which penetrated the Dutch market.

Not only appreciating, Ganjar Pranowo will also provide Rp1 billion for MSME development in Central Java. One of the MSMEs assisted by the Central Java Provincial Government who was successful was Double Eight Craft.

Lyna Windiarti, owner of Double Eight Craft, has an interesting story about the handicraft business made from her perca cloth. The effort, which has been initiated since 2019, has now penetrated into the Netherlands thanks to assistance from the Central Java Provincial Government.

Lyna, when met at her home in Plamongan Indah Jln Sonokeling II D59, Semarang City admitted that at first she was a female dress tailor. However, she collected the rest of the perca cloth and finally came up with the idea of reprocessing it.

"So at that time I didn't throw away the problems I kept, I collected them, finally I processed them into products such as home-tails or home textiles, namely pillowcases, table caps, bad covers, and sofa covers. That's the start of the business. Perca craft," he said, Thursday (13/10/2022).

At the beginning of the perca cloth business in 2019, Lyna only sold it through a friendship network. Until when he received guidance from the Central Java Provincial Cooperatives and MSMEs Office, his business was growing and progressing.

"The contribution (Pemprov) is very good, mas. So, first, I was given training that I initially participated in HAKI training to patent the brand so that the brand was not used by people. Then I participated in management training, namely digital marketing training. Then I participated in public speaking training again. At that time I also received a grant fund, namely to manage the Instagram for social media," he explained.

From there, his Double Eight Craft business began to penetrate the national market, even abroad. Such as pillowcase products, table caplak, and sofa covers.

"Of course it's getting better, sir, it's even better to know that. Because previously the Instagram started out, it might not be good, it's not good. The social media is neat, so there are lots of followers who keep ordering. there are still many facilities like exhibitions, usually, when it's been exhibited, many know, many are also included in orders. The sales have now reached the national level, namely to the island of Sumatra and the island of Kalimantan. Finally, Alhamdulillah, there are also orders that are brought to the Netherlands," he explained.

In addition, the training provided makes Lyna capable of good public speaking.

"It is very useful because it often participates in curation. And when curation has to be presented, it is very useful when I participated in public speaking yesterday," he continued.

For him, the progress of MSMEs in Central Java cannot be separated from the figure of Ganjar Pranowo. So far, the Governor of Central Java for the two periods has been very concerned about MSMEs.

"It is very supportive that the term is that there are stalls of marijuana that also help MSMEs. Then if they are exhibitions, they always come like that. The term supports us, it's extraordinary," he continued.

In the future, he hopes that his efforts can become jobs for the community.

"Yes, hopefully it can be a job field. For product prices ranging from Rp. 75,000 to Rp. 3.5 million," he added.

From data from the Central Java Provincial Cooperatives and MSMEs Office, there are currently around 3528 fostered MSMEs. One of the ways to develop is by providing training. Starting from improving product quality, packaging, marketing, and management.

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