
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Bambang Soesatyo criticized the declaration made by the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) regarding the state of West Papua.

According to him, treason had taken place after the declaration of independence and the unilateral determination of Benny Wenda as President of West Papua.

"That the UMLWP declaration is evidence that treason has existed or committed acts of treason. In fact, what UMLWP did by declaring and making Benny Wenda the President of West Papua is clearly an act of treason against the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," said Bamsoet at a press conference after the meeting regarding conditions in Papua at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Office, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, Thursday, December 3.

This action was later deemed by Bamsoet to have violated Article 18b paragraph 2, Article 25a, and Article 47 Paragraph 5 of the 1945 Constitution. In addition, Benny could be deemed to have violated Article 106 of the Criminal Code, which states that treason was committed with the intention of completely or partially conquering the country's territory. under a foreign government or with the intention of securing part of it, the punishment is a life sentence or 20 years imprisonment.

For this reason, Bamsoet emphasized that it provides support to the government to take firm and measured action. He also supports diplomacy and uses state tools to protect the spirit and defend the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.

Moreover, so far, the international community has recognized Indonesia's territorial sovereignty and declared West Papua an inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia. "Therefore, the Indonesian government is obliged to protect and maintain the sovereignty of every inch of the Republic of Indonesia, including West Papua," he said.

In addition, Bamsoet considered that the government through the Minister of Foreign Affairs was deemed necessary to summon the British Ambassador to ask for an explanation of the position of the British government regarding the activities of the ULMWP group led by Benny Wenda. Not only that, the government is deemed necessary to deliver diplomatic notes to countries that support this movement, including Vanuatu.

"Delivering a diplomatic note on Indonesia's firm position on Papua to both the British government and the Pacific countries that support the separatist movement, including Vanuatu," he said.

As previously reported, Benny Wenda made a West Papua state declaration and declared himself interim president on Monday, December 1.

Responding to this, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said Benny was currently creating an illusory state because it was unclear why he made the declaration. "Benny Wenda creates an illusory state. A country that does not exist in fact. What is the West Papua state," said Mahfud.

Mahfud explained, to create a country there are three conditions that must be met. The first requirement is to have people, control the territory, and the government. However, none of these three conditions were fulfilled, so he called Benny an illusion.

"He does not exist. Whose people, he rebelled. We control the territory, whose government recognizes him as the government? Papuans themselves do not admit it," said the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK).

"Then there are other conditions, namely recognition from other countries as part of the national organization, he does not admit it," Mahfud added.

He did not deny that West Papua is indeed supported by Vanuatu, which is a country in the Asia Pacific region. However, the country is a small country and does not belong to an international organization. Thus, Vanuatu's support for West Papua was only voiced politically.

"Second, why is he an illusory state? Papua through the 1969 referendum was final and legally part of the Republic of Indonesia. The referendum in November 1969 was passed by the UN general assembly stating that Papua was part of Indonesia," he said.

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