
JAKARTA - The President of the United States (US) Donald Trump has put forward the idea to run for president again in 2024. He conveyed this during an event held at the White House on Tuesday, December 1 evening.

"This has been an extraordinary four years," Trump told the crowd, including many members of the Republican National Committee.

"We'll be back at it in four years. Otherwise, I'll see you in four years. "

To quote The Guardian, Thursday, December 3, Trump's comments seem to admit that he thinks he lost the 2020 presidential election. While speculation about the presidential nomination in 2024 has been rife, many US political analysts predict that Trump will announce his candidacy soon. Trump hasn't spoken publicly about that before.

The video was broadcast live on Facebook by one of the people present at the event, Pam Pollard, who is a member of the national committee for Oklahoma. The footage shows crowds crammed into Cross Hall in the White House. Many were not wearing masks and some could be heard coughing.

Trump is hosting a party this week, intending to celebrate the final season before Trump leaves office on January 20. Trump has yet to officially admit defeat, but is too late in giving Joe Biden a transition.

The event for Christmas at the White House has seen large crowds of unmasked partygoers gather indoors. This points to a violation of public health guidelines that have been emphasized by the US government. Even though the COVID-19 cases in the US are also skyrocketing.

The White House has hosted at least one incident that is suspected to be the spreader of the super COVID-19. Several presidential aides, campaign staff and allies have tested positive for COVID-19 in multiple outbreaks. Trump himself was hospitalized for COVID-19 in October, and even the first lady and her two sons tested positive for COVID-19.

Stephanie Grisham, spokeswoman for the first lady and chief of staff, had said last month that the White House would continue to host the party "while providing the safest environment." He said it includes a smaller guest list, provision of masks and encouragement for social distancing at times.

"Attending a party would be a very personal choice," he added.

Trump's video discussing the 2024 election emerged when he threatened to veto the National Defense Authorization Act. The law will authorize billions of dollars in military spending but Congress must agree to abolish the law that grants technology companies such as Facebook and Twitter impunity.

"If the extremely dangerous and unjust Article 230 is not completely terminated as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), I will be forced to firmly VETO the bill when it is sent to the table of the exquisite Resolution," Trump said.

The section 230 that Trump is talking about is an article of the Communications Decency Act that protects technology companies from being responsible for user-uploaded content. The article has come under frequent attacks from Trump and Republican lawmakers, who have criticized internet platform content moderation decisions and accused them of silencing conservative voices.

The National Defense Authorization Act establishes policy for the Ministry of Defense and has been passed for six decades. The National Defense Authorization Act is one of the few main laws seen as a "must pass" law as it governs everything from salary increases for troops to how many aircraft to buy or how best to compete with rivals such as Russia and China.

Aides to Congress expressed skepticism Trump would actually veto the law. Democrats will not agree to repeal Article 230 because the 24-year-old law provides important protection for social media companies.

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