
JAKARTA - The Head of DKI Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, admitted that the ban on carrying pets during car free day (CFD) in Jakarta has been in effect since last July.

This was in response to protests from the Chairman of the Jakarta City Citizens Forum (Fakta) Azas Tigor Nainggolan who was reprimanded by officers from the Transportation Service for bringing a pet dog to the CFD area at the HI Roundabout.

Syafrin said the ban on carrying pets came into effect when the CFD was held again after being temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is accompanied by a number of other restrictions.

"Based on the actual decree, it has existed since July. And socialization has been carried out. There are even prohibition zones, red zones, yellow zones, green zones, right for street vendors. Then we carry out surveillance, even including people who use music too fast, it is also prohibited," Syafrin told reporters, Wednesday, October 12.

Syafrin said that these prohibitions were decided from the results of the evaluation of the motorized vehicle-free day (HBKB) team. Materials that become evaluation material depart from reports and complaints from the public, including carrying pets.

"The work team recommended several activities which were then based on public reports, the public's complaints were then analyzed and then evaluated by the work team. It was agreed on prohibited matters. There were 15 activities. One of them was to bring pets," explained Syafrin.

"Because there are several people who are active in the HKB when they see pets, usually people are immediately shocked and afraid. This is what then from the evaluation results is stated to be prohibited in activities because tens of thousands of people are active in the HKB," he continued.

Previously, Azas Tigor Nainggolan admitted that he was reprimanded by Dishub officers for bringing dogs to the CFD area. At that time, Tigor asked for the basis of the regulation from the prohibition. However, officers revealed that the ban was only on the orders of the leadership.

"In this case, I convey violent protests to the Jakarta Provincial Government, against the prohibition of bringing pets such as dogs to the CFD area of Jakarta. What is the basis and why there are such rules, if any. As far as I know, these prohibitions or regulations have never been consulted and socialized to the public, residents of Jakarta," said Tigor, some time ago.

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