
JAKARTA - The Cilandak Sector Police (Polsek) appealed to junior high school (SMP) 86 Cilandak Barat, South Jakarta to comply with traffic regulations and not to bring a motorbike if they do not have a driving license (SIM).

"Tertib traffic, use helem and other equipment. If you don't have a driver's license, don't bring a vehicle first," said Cilandak Police Chief Kompol Multazam Lisendra when visiting SMP 86 Jakarta in West Cilandak, South Jakarta, Monday.

He also reminded students to improve discipline and avoid all violations both inside and outside the school.

He further said that one form of real discipline that students can directly do is go back to their respective homes after school and not hang out.

According to Multazam, students who hang out for no apparent purpose are often the trigger for brawls between students.

"Pulang sekolah langsung pulang ke rumah. Jangan berrumpul alias hang out karena mendorong terjadinya tawuran. Jangan 'bullying' dan delinquency lainnya, serta jauhi narkoba," ujarnya.

Multazam also invited students and all levels of teachers and the community to sing a moment of silence and pray for the disaster that occurred at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN) 9.

"At the same time, we invite students and teachers to be silent about the disaster that hit MTsN 19 Pondok Rumbu as a form of concern and solidarity as an educational person," he said.

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