
YOGYAKARTA - Head of the Yogyakarta City Civil Service Police Unit (Kasatpol PP) Agus Winarto died, Monday at 10.56 WIB, allegedly due to a heart attack. The deceased had undergone treatment in the isolation room of the Yogyakarta Bethesda Hospital due to suspected COVID-19. "Based on information from the family, Pak Agus has been undergoing treatment at a clinic in Klaten since Sunday night but conditions are getting worse," said Secretary of the Yogyakarta City Civil Service Police Unit Hery Eko Prasetyo in Yogyakarta, Antara, Monday, October 10. According to Hery, the oxygen saturation of the Head of the Yogyakarta City Satpol PP is getting lower so that on Monday at around 07.00 WIB he entered the ER at Bethesda Hospital and then underwent treatment in the hospital isolation room before being declared dead. On Friday night, Hery said Agus Winarto was still actively guarding the Wayang Jogja Night Carnival event around the Yogyakarta Monument as the culmination of the city's 266th anniversary commemoration. Before being buried in the Central Java Klaten Sub-Department, the body underwent its last respects at the Yogyakarta City Hall Complex. The personnel of the Yogyakarta City Civil Service Police Unit and Linmas lined up along the entrance to the Yogyakarta City Hall complex to Graha Pandawa were greeted by the Acting Mayor of Yogyakarta Sumadi and a number of other officials at around 15.00 WIB. Furthermore, the funeral prayer was carried out with the coffin remaining in the ambulance to be released to the final resting place. Sumadi said Agus Winarto was an employee who had a work ethic and high dedication in carrying out his duties and responsibilities to maintain security and order.

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