
JAKARTA - The police confirm that they have taken steps to investigate the raid on the house of the parents of Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD, Tuesday, December 1.

Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, said that currently his party is collecting evidence and testimony from witnesses.

"(We are) conducting initial investigations, gathering data including clarifying several people," Brigadier General Awi Setiyono told reporters, Wednesday, December 2.

The initial investigation process, said Awi, was carried out by the Pamekasan Police and the East Java Regional Police. Later, from the results of the investigation, the next steps will be determined.

In addition, the Head of East Java Regional Police, Inspector General Nico Afinta will also communicate with all religious and Madurese community leaders. The meeting will discuss the cause of the incident.

"So with this activity we all look for the main problems there. So that in the future Madura can be in a conducive condition," said Awi.

Previously, the raid was viral on social media. The mass recorded in the video footage was dominated by men wearing Muslim clothes.

In the video a narrator can be heard explaining that the video was taken in front of Mahfud MD's house in Pamekasan, Madura.

"Mahfud MD's house in Madura, Pamekasan, was raided by the masses," said the narrator in the video.

Meanwhile, via his personal Twitter @mohmahfudmd, Mahfud said the crowd had not disturbed him as the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs but had disturbed his mother who lived in the house.

"This time they disturbed my mother, not the Menko Polhukam," Mahfud was quoted as saying in his tweet uploaded on Tuesday, December 1.

Mahfud said he always tried to avoid taking action against those who attacked him. This was done to prevent the public from being perceived as selfish and arbitrary public officials.

However, because he felt that the mob had disturbed his mother, he was ready to take action.

"I always try to avoid taking action against people who attack me personally for fear of being selfish and arbitrary because I have a position. I am ready to be firm for other cases that do not harm me," he said.

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