PALU - The Central Sulawesi Provincial Health Office (Dinkes Sulteng) has submitted a request for 20 thousand doses of COVID-19 vaccine to the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes).
"We have submitted a request because currently the vaccine has run out, while the stock of districts/cities is running low or no longer comparable to the availability of public interest," said Head of Disease Control and Prevention at the Central Sulawesi Health Office, dr. Jumriani in Palu, Antara, Sunday, October 9.
He explained that public interest in carrying out vaccinations did not only come from the Regency/City Health Office, but also came from the Police and TNI programs.
The Central Sulawesi Health Office noted that the distribution of COVID-19 vaccination to boost the realization of immunity last occurred in the last week of September 2022 as many as 7,500 doses.
"The National Police and the TNI have also asked for more but indeed the vaccine is currently empty, no one has come, because we have distributed the 7,500 doses to regencies/cities," he explained.
Furthermore, continued Jumriani, until the last two months of 2022 the number of COVID-19 vaccines returned due to expiration has not increased, or the distribution stage has been carried out in accordance with the estimated field conditions.
"No more than 30 thousand doses are still as before, because the field conditions are indeed in accordance with the calculation of needs," he said.
"The return is also in accordance with the procedure because we do not yet have a place to destroy the vaccine, so it cannot be done, unless the vaccine is damaged or comes open with 1 or 2 bottles being destroyed by the regions," he added.
The realization of the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination in Central Sulawesi has reached 79.79 percent of the population percentage of 1,959,959 people with a total target population of 2,452,000 people.
Meanwhile, the achievement of the second dose of COVID-19 vaccination is still at 54.25 percent with a population of 1,330,525 people.
Meanwhile, the realization for the booster or third dose of vaccine is still 15.50 percent with a population of 228,346 people.
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