
NATUNA - BPJS Natuna Employment Riau Islands Province stated that workers in the local area had received wage subsidy assistance of IDR 600 thousand per worker by the Minister of Manpower Regulation (Permenaker) number 10 of 2022 based on active participation data since July 2022.

"This year the amount is IDR 600 thousand per worker for just one disbursement", said Head of BPJS Natuna Employment Andry Fauzan as reported by Antara, Sunday, October 9.

He conveyed that the number of recipients throughout Indonesia as many as 14,639,675 workers including Natuna had received the distribution of the BSU.

"The exact number of recipients in Natuna is that we don't know yet because each employer can apply for it himself through the application we have provided, where the company can input data including account numbers, and the data is directly connected at the head office of Jakarta", said Andry.

Furthermore, he said verification was continuously carried out because the function of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan was not as a distributor of BSU but as a provider of worker data, validated and verified.

"Then we submit the data to the Ministry of Manpower. Since July 2022, that's what we have verified and we submit it to the Ministry of Manpower in principle for those who meet the requirements, we will submit it because we don't have a quota system, so we have the right to become potential recipients, we submit it", said Andry.

"Phase one is already, stage two is also, and now is for the third stage. Until now we are still verifying the data while it has not been closed by the government, we are still submitting it", he added.

He also said that so far his party has verified more than 1,500 workers in Natuna, mostly PTT, GTT, and village staff.

"Most of the recipients are in PTT and Harlep of the contract, then the village apparatus, so we appeal to the service office that has not registered the daily release or the contract is immediately registered with the Employment BPJS so that they can receive benefits and one of them is BSU assistance", he said.

In addition, he also appealed to companies, in this case, employers or business entities including government offices that have registered PTT, Harlep, and GTT to pay BPJS Employment contributions on time.

"So when the data is needed, for example, this BSU has no more problems, it is to facilitate data updates and can be submitted", said Andry.

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