
JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said that the status of extreme weather in Jakarta is at an alert level so that it has the potential for flooding as before.

DKI Jakarta Province is predicted to experience extreme weather again with quite high rainfall in the next week, from October 9 to 15.

"There is the potential for moderate to heavy rainfall which can be accompanied by lightning/lightning and strong winds with alert status in the DKI Jakarta area," wrote the Instagram account @bpbddkijakarta, quoted on Sunday, October 9.

The DKI Jakarta BPBD explained that the extreme weather in Jakarta in the next week will be shown by cyclonic circulation that forms wind bend patterns and wind speed slows down which can increase convective activity and cloud growth.

Then, the active atmospheric wave phenomenon such as MJO (Madden Jullian Oscillation) emerged which interacted with the Rossby Equatorial waves and Kelvin waves.

"Indirectly, it can increase the growth of rain clouds in several parts of Indonesia in the next few days," continued the statement on the Instagram account @bpbddkijakarta.

Therefore, the DKI Jakarta BPBD urges the public to remain vigilant against potential extreme weather that could potentially cause hydrometeorological disasters in the form of floods, inundation, landslides, strong winds, fallen trees, and so on.

"If you experience or encounter an emergency, immediately contact Call Center Jakarta Siaga 112 or use the emergency button on the Jakarta Safe application".

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