
JAKARTA - Jalan Jend. Ahmad Yani, Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta was again flooded on Thursday, October 6, evening. As a result, a number of motorists were desperate to fight the flow of traffic to avoid puddles.

The puddle also had an impact on traffic jams that snaked up to about 1 kilometer long, starting from Rawasari's Traffic Light (TL) to near the Coca Cola Cempaka Putih intersection, Central Jakarta.

The impact of traffic congestion was complained by a number of other motorists.

Maulana (42) for example, this online taxi driver also said that due to traffic jams, he had to lose money by losing customers who felt they had been waiting for pick-up for too long.

"I've been canceled twice with Cs (customer). I've got this again near Pertamina Hospital but it's jammed, so I took a long time to pick it up," he said.

"Yes, if you really want to avoid it, it's better to just move aside, don't be like this. It's a pity that the others are affected by traffic jams," he continued with an annoyed face expression.

On the other hand, Ikrar (27), the motorcyclist from Sunter, North Jakarta, admitted that he had taken a reckless action against the flow because he did not want his favorite motorbike to break down by water.

"(Why fight the flow, it's dangerous?) Yes, instead of my motorbike breaking down, the service costs are expensive, if the motorbike dies, it's flooded. I'd rather go through a fast lane than having to pass through the flood," said Ikrar when met at the location.

Meanwhile, no different from the explanation of Ikrar, Ardi (30) admitted that he joined other motorcyclists who went against the flow to avoid puddles.

"If I just take part, it's the people who go on strike who pass by there (the location of the puddle). So I try to avoid flooding, it's a shame the motorbike," he said.

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