
JAKARTA - Baim Wong and Paula Verhoeven were again reported to the police on charges of defamation and feeling lied to. The report was filed on behalf of Alfian Rachman.

The Acting Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Nurma Dewi, confirmed that her party had received the report back against Baim Wong and Paula. The report took place on Tuesday, October 4, in the afternoon.

It is known, the report is registered in the number LP/B/2394/X/2022 South Jakarta Metro Police dated Tuesday, October 4, 2022.

"Yes, there have been two reports from police sympathizers to the Jakarta Police," said Nurma, Thursday, October 6.

However, when asked further about the report, Nurma refused to answer. She only confirmed that Baim Wong and Paula would be summoned on Friday, October 7.

"So we still go back, collect evidence and then examine witnesses. What is clear is that we will call the suspect," she concluded.

As is known, Baim Wong and Paula Verhoeven were officially reported by Friends of the Indonesian Police (SPI) to the South Jakarta Metro Police, Monday afternoon, October 3.

Tengku Zanzabella as the party (SPI), said the report was made because the artist couple was considered to have made a fool of the public.

The report is registered in the number LP/B/2386/X/2022 South Jakarta Metro Police dated October 3, 2022.

"Today we reported BW and his wife. We reported it because there was a prank or duping of the community. So we have to act to improve the name of the Polri institution," said Tengku at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Monday, October 3.

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