
JAKARTA - Airlines will be required to give flight attendants at least 10 hours of rest between shifts, previously nine hours, under a new rule issued by the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

FAA administrator Billy Nolen said extra rest hours would affect safety.

The rule comes into effect in 30 days, and airlines have up to 90 days to comply.

The US Congress directed the FAA in 2018 to increase the required rest for flight attendants, eliminating provisions allowing the crew to work with less rest in some circumstances.

"It took us too long, but we're finally here," Nolen said at Washington's Ronald Reagan National Airport in Arlington, Virginia, citing The National News from AP Oct. 5.

Current federal rules allow flight attendants to work up to 14 hours a day, as well as get nine hours of rest between shifts.

The flight attendants Association has struggled for years for longer rest periods between shifts.

Meanwhile, the president of the union, Sara Nelson, who appeared with Nolen at the airport, accused the administration of former President Donald Trump of trying to stop the increase through regulatory delays.

Union officials highlighted an increase in incidents in 2020-2021 involving rogue passengers, showing the need to give cabin crew more rest between shifts.

"This is a handful of people who make it a hell for flight attendants on the front lines," Nelson said.

The FAA took public comments on the requirements for extra rest in 2019 and 2021, and received more than 1,000 inputs from airlines, flight attendants and the public.

Meanwhile, Airlines for America representing US airlines said safety has always been an industry's top priority.

"Having a break and reminding flight attendants who are ready to carry out their responsibilities, including cabin safety and other tasks, are essential to this goal," he explained.

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