
YOGYAKARTA - Bonds are an important part of any investment portfolio, but are not liked by some investors. Over the years, many people have been told that stocks are the best way to make money in the long term. That mindset still persists to this day, even after two stock market collapses in recent decades. Then, what is the profit of bond investment?

Those who underestimate the role of bonds may lose the opportunity to make money. Learn more about why you shouldn't ignore bonds as part of your investment strategy.

Bonds for Providing Revenue

While many investments provide some form of income, bonds tend to offer the highest and most stable cash flow. Even at a low price, there are still many options that you can use to build a portfolio that meets your income needs. This method can include bonds with high returns or growing market debt.

Most importantly, a strong bond portfolio can provide decent results with lower levels of volatility than equity. They can also generate more income than money market funds or bank instruments. This all means that bonds are a good choice for those who need to live on their investment income.

Bond Offer Diversification

Almost everyone has heard the phrase Don't put all your eggs in one basket. This is very true for investors. This may be a cliché, but it's wisdom that has been tested over time. Over time, greater diversification can give you a return that is adjusted to better risks than a narrow portfolio. In other words, this reduces the number of relative returns to risk.

More importantly, bonds can help preserve capital for equity investors at a time when the stock market falls.

Basic Maintain Bonds

Investasi pendapatan tetap sangat bermanfaat bagi orang-orang yang meningkat titik di mana mereka perlu menggunakan uang kabuah yang telah mere investasikan. Misalnya, ini bisa berlaku untuk seseorang yang dalam waktu lima tahun pensiun atau orang orang tua yang anaknya mulai kualjadi. Saham dapat menghadapi tingkat volatility yang besar dalam waktu singkat, seperti kerusahan tahun 2001 dan 2002 atau krisis keuangan tahun 2008 dan 2009, tetapi portofolio kasus yang terdiversifikasi jauh lebih kalau kemungkinan untuk mengalami kerugian besar dalam jangkat pendek.

As a result, it might be worth increasing your allocation to fixed income and reducing your allocation to equity as you get closer to your goal.

Bonds Offer Tax Advantages

Certain types of bonds can also benefit those who need to reduce their tax burdens. Revenue from bank instruments, mostly money market funds, and equity taxable unless the asset is deposited in a tax suspension account, but tax-free regional bond interest at the federal level. If you have city bonds issued by the state you live in, they are also tax-free at the state level.1

Revenue from US Treasury securities tax-free at state and local levels. 2 The reason taxes should not be the main reason you choose investment, especially if you are in a lower tax group. but the income universe still offers a number of ways to minimize your tax burden.

When are the bonds a good investment?

Bonds are a good investment when the benefits listed here are your main goal. In other words, if your main goal of investing is capital conservation and income, then bonds may be worth considering. If, on the other hand, you are a younger investor with a longer period of time who wants to prioritize capital appreciation, then bonds may not be worth considering.

What are the benefits of long-term bonds compared to short-term bonds?

Long-term bonds offer higher proceeds than short-term bonds. There are more risks associated with locking your investment dollar for a longer period of time, so investors are compensated for that risk with more revenue.

After understanding the benefits of bond investment, look at other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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