
JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Ahmad Riza Patria will maintain good relations with DKI Governor Anies Baswedan even though he has been declared a presidential candidate in the 2024 election.

"So it's normal, good relationship. There are no problems," said Riza Patria at Jakarta City Hall, Tuesday, October 4.

Riza said it was the right of political parties to nominate presidential candidates to run in the 2024 presidential election, including Riza's fight to carry Gerindra Party chairman Prabowo Subianto in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

Riza is currently a Gerindra party cadre who is currently the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPD.

Even though they have different parties, considering that both of them are still governors and deputy governors of DKI, Riza stated that his party will continue to complete its duties and carry out work programs until retirement on October 16, 2022.

"He, as governor, as deputy governor, carried out his duties in accordance with the existing RPJMD," said Riza.

He also had no problem when the NasDem party declared Anies even though he is currently still active as the Governor of DKI or a state official.

"That's the right of the party, whether it's the right of the party to declare candidates at any time, it's the right of the party, all political parties have the right to declare. Our party also went first at the Rapimnas yesterday," said Riza.

Riza also believes that Anies will not mix the interests of the presidential election with the remaining tasks in DKI Jakarta.

"I think the governor, Mr. Anies understands, so far, he has not mixed DKI's affairs with political affairs, the matter of presidential candidacy. Mr. Anies already understands," said the man who is usually called Ariza.

Anies Baswedan and Ahmad Riza Patria will end their tenure as Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI on October 16, 2022.

During the vacant term until 2024, President Joko Widodo will announce the acting governor of DKI who will run the wheels of interim government.

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