
YOGYAKARTA - Football matches are incomplete if there are no spectators or supporters in the stands. The presence of supporters is useful to encourage the enthusiasm of the team players who are defended and enliven the atmosphere of the match. Unfortunately behind that, football fans are known to be very fanatics. Many have asked why football fans are so fanatics.

Fans who are fanatics of football are supporters who defend their teams or idol players in excess. Unfortunately, fanaticism in this football world often has a negative impact, both for fans, teams, players, and other parties involved. The cult of fanatical fans occurs in foreign football and in Indonesia.

Fans who are fanatics often cause riots between supporters of the team who are competing. Not infrequently these fans also repeatedly make a fuss with the organizers. This is what makes frequent riots occur in football matches. Especially if the organizers and security are also incompetent in organizing football.

Cases of unrest in football occurred on Saturday (1/10) night, at the Kajuruhan Stadium, Malang Regency, East Java. The riots began when supporters took to the field because they felt disappointed with Arema's defeat to Surabaya with a score of 2-3.

Then a tragic fate hit the fans as a result of tear gas shots from the police who intended to secure conditions. In this incident, hundreds died and were injured. This case is a lesson for fanatics, organizers, security forces, and the entire football lover community.

What's Fanatic?

Fanism comes from the Latin word 'fanaticus, fragrance, or frozen' which means literally the nature of being crazy, drunk, or hingar bingar. The meaning of the word 'fanatics' in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is belief or belief that is too strong against a teaching, such as politics and religion.

From this explanation, it can be concluded that fanatics are an attitude of belief and defending things excessively or past reasonable limits. A fanatical attitude can believe objects in any form, such as individuals, groups, parties, and the like.

Meanwhile, fanaticism is a notion that supports or upholds excessive worship of objects that are liked. Fanatism comes from a combination of the words 'fanatic' and 'ism'. The meaning of the word 'fanatic' is the same as previously explained, and the meaning of'mesis' is 'understanding'.

Causes of Fanism

The fanatics of football fans don't just happen. There are various reasons why football fans are so fanatical.

Education in an Object

Excessive enthusiasm or desire can affect a person's emotions. When emotions are out of control or cross the line, it can make people go crazy or worship something excessively.

Education and Insight Background

Another cause of fanaticism is in terms of educational background and insight. The level of education affects a person's mindset. A person with good education and broad insight will be more tolerant and can appreciate education. Educated people tend to avoid fanaticism.


Fans or football fans are an organized group of collective attachments. This collective attachment can form excessive love or worship. Usually collective groups also have strong solidarity, so they will help and defend their fellow members. This is what triggers the growth of fanaticism.

That is the reason why football fans are so fanatical, especially in Indonesia. Everything that is excessive will have a negative impact, including in the world of football or football fans.

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