
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) will follow up on the case of teachers asking students to take their underwear off to check menstruation at a State High School in Bogor.

KPAI Commissioner Retno Listyarto revealed that his party opened the opportunity to impose sanctions on teachers in question based on the Anannk Protection Act and Permendikbud Number 82 of 2015 concerning the Prevention and Control of Violence in the Education Unit.

Sanctions and settlements related to this case will be discussed first in a coordination meeting with the Instruction General Team of the Ministry of Education and Technology and the West Java Province Education Office (Disdik).

"The next step is to find solutions and resolve this case, if it is proven that there is a violation of the protection and fulfillment of children's rights as regulated in various laws and regulations," said Retno in his statement, Monday, October 3.

So far, KPAI has dug up information from both parties, namely students who were victims and their parents, as well as the school for the menstrual examination case.

Based on the victim's mother's confession, her daughter experienced alleged sexual violence by collecting in a classroom. A teacher stood guard in front of the classroom door, then asked the students to stand in a circle with their backs.

Then, two other teachers went around and asked the students one by one to take off their skirts and lower their underwear to prove that the student was menstruating, so they didn't take part in the congregational Duha prayer which was the Religious Friday program at school.

Yang Retno persoalan, peristiwa tersebut terjadi di sebuah sekolah negeri, bukan sekolah berbasis agama. Guru dugaan pelaku seluruh perempuan, para guru tersebut juga bukan guru bidang pendidikan Pendidikan Agama Islam, tetapi guru bidang pem study Kimia dan Statik.

Duha prayers in religion are sunnah prayers, not mandatory prayers, but mandatory on behalf of this public high school program. Once again, this school is a public school established by the government, not a religious-based education unit. If students really want to pray down, schools must facilitate, they can do it on their own, but not require sunnah prayers," explained Retno.

On that basis, one of the victim's mother stated that what happened to her daughter was a form of sexual harassment by adult women against underage girls.

Retno said that parents told about the psychological condition of their children who had been hit hard since they received unethical treatment at school because they did not attend the Duha prayer in congregation because they were on the way to the moon.

"The two child victims always cry when they read the news and see TikTok for the incident, not only feeling traumatized by being humiliated and humiliated, but also not accepting because the news in the mass media and on social media is not like what really happened," explained Retno.

Meanwhile, based on the teacher's statement who conducted an examination on the student, Retno said that it was strongly suspected that the teachers were only carrying out their duties because they were a school program.

"Because currently quite a lot of public schools are holding congregational Duha prayers for reasons to educate and familiarize students to worship in the morning," he said.

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